Inspection Mirror

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Inspection Mirror digunakan umtuk menginspeksi atau melihat benda-benda di tempat yang sulit dilihat oleh mata, seperti di kolong/bawah mobil dimana alat ini disebut juga look under vehicles inspection mirror ataupun convex mirror.

Alat ini biasa digunakan pada pintu masuk gedung-gedung, mall, hotel, dll.  Adapun jenis inspection mirror/convex mirror yang biasa kami jual adalah :

1. Inspection Mirror BROSSARD

Brossard Inspection Mirrors Excellent for security when needed to look under or around vehicles, machines, equipment and hard-to-see areas. Available from lightweight hand-held to complete with caster wheels and light.

  • Brand : BROSSARD
  • Asal  : USA
  • Diameter Miroor : 300mm
  • Wheel + Light





2. Inspection Mirror Redtech

Redtech Inspection Mirror  for security when needed to look under or around vehicles, machines, equipment and hard-to-see areas. Available from lightweight hand-held to complete with caster wheels and light.

  • Brand : REDTECH
  • Asal  : Taiwan
  • Diameter Miroor : 10″
  • Wheel + Light